Fountain Fights Back Against Invasion
Rumor brought to Jimmy's Camp: The city is responsible for taking care of all the weeds that grow in Fountain.
Jimmy's Fact to Trade: This rumor is false, and Jimmy has some facts for trade: Here in Fountain, we have a common enemy, and that enemy is WEEDS. Weeds are unsightly, useless, troublesome, herbaceous plants, which ordinarily grow without cultivation, are not grown for the purpose of landscaping, slope stabilization, drainage control or food production. During the Springs and Summer months, the added moisture leads to an explosion of these unsightly plants and negatively impacts the look of our city.
The city has a municipal code addressing weed control to ensure a clean and safe environment that can be found under Title 8: Health and Safety in Section 8.04.030: Overgrown weeds. According to the code, property owners must maintain their lots, keeping weeds and grasses trimmed below a height of nine inches. Failure to comply can result in the city issuing a notice to the property owner, requesting compliance within ten days. If the property owner does not address the issue, the city may perform the necessary work (because those weeds need to be gone!) and charge the owner for the costs incurred. This code helps prevent fire hazards, pests, and maintains the community’s aesthetic appeal. If you would like to know more, you can scour the city’s website or click on the following link that will take you directly to the municipal code for overgrown weeds: Title 8. Chapter 8.04.
Does this standard apply to the city as well? It sure does, the city is comprised of many separate areas of responsibility for weed maintenance, to include all city owned properties, and our staff spend a lot of time organizing city efforts to keep weeds at bay that the city is responsible to handle.
Finally, here are some other weed control facts that may interest you:
- CDOT is responsible for the medians and right-of-way along HWY 85/87
- The Northeast Corner of Mesa Ridge and Fountain Mesa to the curb and gutter is the responsibility of the Safeway area business district.
- All businesses are responsible to the curb and gutter along their street.
- Any school property is the responsibility of the School District.
Published: 09-04-2024