Starting a Business in Fountain


Fountain strives to make all processes business friendly, quick response, and consistent. The Economic Development Department is ready to help with multiple affiliate services.

With an emphasis on bridging relations with local businesses, the City Manager and Economic Development Director strive to visit periodically with business owners to make valuable connections, to learn about its satisfaction rating, and to identify areas of need in the business community. 

2024/2025 State of Business Report - inaugural report findings and recommendations were presented to City Council on January 14, 2025. 

Economic Development Commission

Over the past year, the Fountain Economic Development Commission (EDC) has reviewed and made recommendations to processes, policies, regulations and fees to facilitate a climate that creates and retains jobs. 

Please visit the Economic Development Commission section to learn more. 

Local Affiliate Services

City leadership partners with state agency affiliates, regional economic development agencies, and the Fountain Valley Chamber of Commerce to collaborate and assure coordination across borders. 

Local affiliate services include:

Pikes Peak Small Business Development Center

Colorado Springs Chamber & EDC
El Paso County
Pikes Peak Regional Building Building Department
Office of Economic Development/International Trade (OEDIT), State of Colorado

In addition, the City supported the efforts by the Fountain Valley Chamber of Commerce to co-located within City Hall to bridge resources towards providing enhanced services to the business community.

Fountain Valley Chamber of Commerce

Small Business Resources

BusinessesSmall Business is an important mission for the city and identification of entrepreneurial support mechanisms for success. As such, the City Manager and Economic Development Director forged a small business task force to address the special needs of smaller enterprise businesses in the community.

As a value added resource, a reference guide was designed to assist entrepreneurial start ups with business plans and government processes,the following resources were created:

Small Business Resource Guide 2025
Sign Code General Regulations
Small Business Development Center

These tools are in addition to the regional Pikes Peak Small Business Development Center , which offers a plethora of tools for the business community. With the City of Fountain representative serving on the Advisory Boards of the SBDC in the Pikes Peak Region. 

Developer Assistance

In the area of Site Selection, we have prepared the Commercial Development Guide with information about the Quick Response Team (QRT) and FastTrack processes.QRT answers business information queries for site selection, and FastTrack coordinates agencies for site development review

Fountain's Planning Department
Fountain's GIS Maps
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department

Business License

To obtain a license for conducting business in the City of Fountain, please click here