Duckwood Road Project Update
The Duckwood Road Crossing Project is part of the City’s 2009 Moving Fountain Forward Tax Initiative. It is an integral part of Fountain’s efforts to institute a Quiet Zone that will reduce train horn noise within the City; and connects Highway 85/87 with C&S Road to the east.
The Duckwood Road railroad crossing is necessary due to the safety concerns of the crossing on Mesa Road being too close to the intersection. It was required that the City build the new railroad crossing on Duckwood Road in order to increase the distance between the crossing and the intersection of Duckwood Road and Highway 85/87. Once the railroad companies were able to schedule and install the necessary crossing panels, the City was able to finalize the project so that drivers may utilize the newly constructed road.
After months of coordination between the City of Fountain and the railroad companies, we are delighted to announce that the City will hold a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, on September 26, 2019. If you plan to attend, please follow Mesa Road to the dirt road located just east of the railroad tracks and head south (look for the balloons). The event will begin promptly at 4 PM; please plan to arrive at the Duckwood Road roundabout between 3:30 PM and 3:45 PM to celebrate this momentous event!
Duckwood Road will officially open to our citizens on Friday, September 27th!