Safety First

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Always contact 
811 for a line locate prior to digging. It is a free service and required by law.

Before starting any projects that involve digging, you must request a utility line locate by dialing 811 or by submitting a ticket through Projects such as removing trees or shrubs (potential of roots wrapped around utility lines), and leveling your yard in preparation for landscaping.

The 811 locator will mark the location of:

  • All utility main lines;
  • Water service lines to private property from the water main to the shut off valve, also known as a curb-stop.  It is the property owner’s responsibility to locate their water service line from the shut off valve to the building/house; and
  • Underground electric service lines to the private property from the electric main lines (typically from an electric transformer box) to the electric meter.  If the electric meter is not attached to the house/building, it is the property owner’s responsibility to locate their underground electric service line from the meter to the house/building.  It should be noted that in some of the City of Fountain electric service areas, the electric meter may be located in your neighbor’s yard.
  • If you can’t find your electric meter, please call City of Fountain Electric Utility Operations at 719-322-2092 during normal work hours (7:00 am to 3:30 pm, Monday – Friday).