The City of Fountain Recreation Department is devoted to ensuring a positive, fun, and educational program for all ages, no matter the skill level. Throughout the year we offer numerous youth sports including baseball, softball, tee-ball, soccer, flag football, basketball, and volleyball. We also offer co-ed adult sports for ages 16 and older that include volleyball, kickball, and softball. Many of our programs start at four years of age and can be played all the way up to 8th grade.
All participants are encouraged to register before the end of “regular” registration to avoid any late fees of $15. Timely registration will give our staff enough time to place all participants on a team prior to the coaches meeting. Registration is open year-round for all youth and adult sports. To avoid the late registration fee, all participants must be registered before the “Registration Deadline." All deadline dates can be found at the end of each program.
Adult volunteer coaches are always needed. As an incentive for our adult volunteer coaches, the registration fee will be waived. This is just a simple way to thank you for helping the City of Fountain’s Recreation Program. All coaches will be required to provide information for a confidential background check upon registration.
Click HERE to find our current programs.