The Property Maintenance Code applies to non-owner occupied housing, and non-residential establishments. It establishes minimum standards for basic heating, water, lighting, ventilation, electrical, and plumbing. The code also regulates health and safety issues.
Residents with property maintenance complaints should follow a simple three-step process:
1) Submit a written complaint, request for repair, or work order to their property manager, landlord, or owner. A copy should be saved by the resident if needed for future proof of notification.
2) Maintain a written record of actions taken and responses received
If the property manager, landlord, or owner fail to respond or make corrective actions within a reasonable period of time, i.e. 3-5 days, then:
3) Contact the Code Compliance Division at (719) 322-2032 for further assistance. Resident will be asked for a copy of the complaint, request for repair, or work order and for the contact information of the property manager, landlord, or owner.