Olde Town Revitalization


District Activity MapOlde Town represents the historical central business district of Fountain. As with many national cities, the historical center of activity had experienced a loss of its patrons due to suburban sprawl.

In recent decade(s), the city has continued to experience double-digit growth.  As such, a Town Center revival has emerged as new neighborhood community residents seek to embrace its legacy cultural roots; availing a quality sense of place within Olde Town. This is evident in recent surveys under such initiatives as the Ohio Avenue Placemaking Campaign, Lorraine Center Master Plan, and Conceptual Blast Urban Greenway Pedestrian Corridor. 

The city’s partnership efforts with County, Urban Renewal, and property owners has availed a transformation awareness of the district’s potential.  As realized through a revitalization of under-performing assets, an urban view on open space, community placemaking, and public safety mobility infrastructure improvements.  These district investments are attracting new private development interests and a myriad of new/eclectic business seeking to provide services within the historic district, known as Olde Town.

On the horizon in 2025, the district's small businesses and property ownership voted in support of pursuing a Revitalization Main Street designation with the Department of Local Affairs division with the State of Colorado.  To learn more please reach out to the District Ambassadors and/or City Staff for further assistance. 

To learn more about our Town Center revival activity, see publications: 

Olde Town Activity Snapshot editions 20242023202220212020, 2019

Olde Town/ Gateway Projects and Policies timeline 2014-present

To learn about Olde Town district boundary, zoning, and economic programs, please visit GIS map application.  

Click here to view the Housing Development map (the final edition published 2023 by City).


EPA Brownfields 2021-2023

The City of Fountain is part of a regional Coalition Partnership which was awarded an U.S. Environmental Protection Agency grant in late 2020 to support revitalization of brownfields — properties that have been, or may be perceived to have been, affected environmentally. The Coalition has been utilizing the $600,000 in grant funding to inventory and prioritize brownfield sites for revitalization, help property owners assess existing site conditions, and plan for future cleanup and development reuse.  The brownfield focus areas are known as the Fountain Creek corridor which encompass the US85 Urban Renewal Area in Fountain.
Two sites owned by the City of Fountain participated in the grant funded initiative and are located within the Olde Town district. 

1. The Lorraine Center is located at 301 E Iowa Avenue in Fountain, CO.Lorraine ReUse Site JPG The site is comprised of 8.67 acres and is a former public school system facility to which the City seeks to steward reuse/redevelopment of the site on behalf of district revitalization. 

By participating in the EPA Brownfields program, the City received the following resources:

* Site Development ReUse Action Plan
* Conceptual Site Plan Design and Engineering toward procuring a private-development partner
Public Survey and Community Engagement Services
* Existing and Environmental Site Assessment Reporting

A City Council presentation on project findings was shared on December 6, 2022 by the Coalition Partnership.  

2. The "Blast" Urban Greenway - Pedestrian Corridor

The Blast Urban Greenway

The City of Fountain is conducting a feasibility study towards creation of a passive recreational corridor along the east side off the railroad tracks near Downtown from Indiana Avenue (currently an easement right-of-way) and connecting north into Aga Park.  We would like public ideas and sentiments to help guide the study and the City’s future decisions regarding a potential recreational and open space project. 

Goal Statement: “The City would like to be in a healthy position in working through the EPA Brownfield resources and scope of work deliverables to achieve a goal of meeting the eligibility criteria and apply for State of CO GOCO and/or Gates Family Foundation grants to fund the public space improvements to maximize outdoor recreation opportunities for the community in Olde Town.”

Project Foundational Elements: Since the 1950’s, precursor efforts of private land donations, blight revitalization, infrastructure master plans, placemaking, and historic preservation, have enhanced public spaces and stewarding the creation of an open passive space for pedestrian connectivity. The study area will serve as a gateway amenity to the Olde Town district, a business tourism generator, and a tribute to Pure Colorado history. Click Here to learn more about the site plan area history. 
* The Blast Land ReUse Plan, Urban Greenway
* Master Plan.jpg
* Public Survey Results, May 2023

City Council presentation on project findings was shared on December 12, 2023 by the Coalition Partnership.  

January 2024: The Gazette article - New Urban Greenway Planned for Fountain 

3. Ohio Avenue Placemaking Campaign

In 2020 a leadership team was formulated with FURA chairman serving as champion of the program. The Team represented a diverse mix of partners to steward a community outreach effort (during COVID times) which embodied the Ohio Avenue Placemaking Campaign. Over the course of a compressed five months, the Campaign garnered over 190+ positive public feedback surveys and resulted in identification of Short Term Wins and Long Term Mission for the district’s Ohio Avenue corridor. 

The Campaign culminated during the week of October 19-23 with nightly musician performances held at the Lawn of City Hall for free community “socially-distancing” enjoyment under an inaugural hosting of the city’s #ARTSmonth Awareness program. 

On 5.11.21, City Council received a report out on the Campaign's deliverables, quantified public feedback, and outlined next step alternatives of Placemaking 2.1 for the corridor.  Click here to view the City Council presentation. 

The Campaign received its resource(s) funding via a State of CO grant awarded in late 2019 via the Rural Technical Assistance Program‘s Community Placemaking category. 

PM Intro 1 PM Vision 2
 PM Public Feedback 3
 Intro Vision Public Feedback

4. Town Design and Aesthetics Guidelines

The US 85 urban renewal area districts, known as Olde Town and Gateway, provide an extremely important first impression for the City. Redeveloping, revitalizing and creating design standards for these districts facilitate an environment for future investment, development and growth while maintaining the small town, unique atmosphere that the City of Fountain embodies. 

THK Focus GroupIn 2020, City Council adopted the Design+Aesthetics Incentive Program as a tool specifically designed spur private capital investment within Olde Town.  This program was a spin off deliverable of the overall  Town Design Guidelines and Interstate Gateway project which  was initially funded through the Fountain Urban Renewal Authority in 2018.  To learn more, please visit FURA’s site page online at http://www.furaco.org/district-design-aesthetics.html 

Also, a revised  Zoning Ordinance, Signage Code, and Olde Town Overlay District were adopted by City Council over the course of 2019-2020.  To learn more, please visit city Planning department. 

2014 Olde Town Revitalization 

This 2014 master plan initiative really set the expectations of the district vision and identified a punch list of focus areas to pair projects, guide resources and identify funding programs. The plan identified areas such as: infrastructure, Main Street, monument gateways, banner programs, downtown beautification, way finding signage, and partnership engagement.  Click here to learn more. 

2025 Wayfinding and Signage Plan - City Council Strategic Objective

PH II Launch of Design Public Engagement (August 2024) - City Council presentation 
Wayfinding Signage System Plan (RFP 2024) - City Council awarded project to Michael Baker International on February 27 2024.  Please refer to project site page
Historic Downtown Wayfinding Report (2009)
Wayfinding Signage Report (2007)

To learn how to become involved with district revitalization, please visit the Olde Town Steering Committee section of the website. 

US85 Urban Renewal Progress

Olde Town is located as a subset area with the US85 Urban Renewal Area. Several initiatives have taken root through the collaboration of City Council, Fountain Urban Renewal Authority, the OTSC and the public at large.

-2024 FURA completes commercial infrastructure upgrades, ADA accessibility compliance, site drainage and public safety improvements to its 1905 Woodman Hall property  

- 2021 FURA begins public safety improvements, renovation, and revitalization mission of its 1905 Woodman Hall property

2020 City Council adopts the Design Aesthetics Incentive Program to aid in small business fulfillment and private capital investment in the district

- 2019/ 2020 OEDIT Awards grant funding for the Community's Olde Town Placemaking initiative; over 190+ public survey respondents to the Ohio Avenue Placemaking Campaign

-2019 Peaks N Pines Brewing Company opens within FURA's 212 W Illinois property; 1st commercial entry in the district in 25+ years representing over $1M in land/building improvements 

 - 2017/ 2018 marked the Town Design and Gateway Interstate Aesthetics project with THK Consultants. 

 - 2014 marked the adoption of the Olde Town Revitalization Plan 

 - 2009 marked the adoption of the Gateway Master Plan

Click here to learn more about these plans, projects, mission, and stewardess of the Fountain Urban Renewal Authority (FURA) on behalf of Olde Town.

Olde Town Steering Committee

The Olde Town Steering Committee (OTSC) wasCommittee Meeting formed through the efforts and adoption of the 2014 Olde Town Revitalization Plan.

The purpose of the committee is to represent the businesses, property owners, and residents of the Olde Town district to work on behalf of advocacy in the areas of economic vitality and public improvements.

In 2020,
the first Olde Town District Ambassador role was established by the committee.  Teresa Vieira, owner of Peaks N Pines Brewing Company was designated for her passion and commitment to Fountain and the greater Valley community.

To learn more about current initiatives and how to participate, please visit 
Olde Town Steering Committee section of the city's website or contact Economic Development for assistance.