Opportunity Zone

Curling CenterOCC Feasibility Study

Investor Spotlight Opportunity!

As part of the 2017 Trump Administration the U.S. Congressional  tax reform package (Tax Cuts and Jobs Act), established the Opportunity Zone program enacted to address uneven economic recovery and persistent lack of growth that have left many communities across the country behind since the Great Recession. 

This economic and community development tax incentive program provides a new impetus for private investors to support distressed communities through private equity investments in the form of business capital and/or real estate investment. The incentive program is a deferral, reduction and potential elimination of certain federal capital gains taxes on behalf of private equity investments over a period of no less than 5 years and no more than 10 years.

The U.S. Department of Treasury awarded the designation areas based on Census Tract data. There are 178 acres identified and available for development within Fountain Colorado designation area, which has already begun to spur private investment activity and a regional effort towards investor awareness. 

Click Here to view GIS Map of the Census Tract #45.01 designation under the Opportunity Zone program.

Click Here to view City of Fountain land sites for development opportunity.  (2021 update)

Click Here to view the Colorado Spring Regional Opportunity Zones Prospectus, spring 2019 edition

The 178 acres identified and designated within Fountain Colorado represents the Commercial Spine of the Greater Fountain Valley within El Paso County.  As such, it has already begun to spur private investment activity.  Over the 10-year allowance period of the incentive program, we will continue to work with businesses and land ownership to forefront success stories and identify investment opportunities on behalf of our community. 

Project Activity:

River Bend Crossing Mixed-Use
10 AC (City)   34 AC (County)
96,000 SF Lifestyle Retail Center (City)  247 Single Family Homes (County)

Southmoor Apts.
6.5 AC
240 Multi-Family Units

Retail Services
3.86 AC
10,000 SF


If you have questions regarding the benefits and regulations of the U.S. Congressional Opportunity Zone Program, please visit one of the following websites for further detail or contact a financial professional:

IRS - U.S. Department of Treasury

EDA - U.S. Economic Development Administration

White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council

State of Colorado, Office of Economic Development & International Trade
