UPDATED 2/27/2025 1:24PM
2025 Applications are being accepted at this time.
2024 licenses were issued for 365 calendar days.
This changed from calendar year and means your expiration date may NOT be December 31. Check your license to verify you are actually due for renewal.
We would like to thank you for choosing to conduct your business in the City of Fountain.
Pursuant to Chapter 5.12 "Business Permits" of the Fountain Municipal Code. It shall be unlawful for any person, either directly or indirectly, to conduct any business or non-profit enterprise without a license or permit. Compliance is required.
The City of Fountain requires the same annual application for both new and renewing businesses.
There MAY be additional documents required for approval that you will be prompted to upload. If these items are missing, your license will be significantly delayed.
If after 30 days, we do not receive the required documentation your license will be denied.
RENEWALS will require your 2024 License number. Without it, your new license expiration date will not be a current date.
Please contact us if you do not have it.
Please contact our office if you need any assistance at
(719) 322-2031.