Convenient Payment Options

Convenient Payment Options

Pre-addressed return envelopes are included with your utility bill for your convenience. Please include the bottom portion of the bill with your check payment and apply postage to the envelope.

If you have the bottom portion of your bill, send your payment to:           

Fountain Utilities
PO Box 5260
Denver, CO 80217-5260

If you do not have the bottom portion of your bill, send your payment to:

Fountain Utilities
101 N. Main Street
Fountain, CO 80817

Walk-in Cashier
101 N. Main Street
Fountain, CO 80817

Pay Near Me
Pay your utility bill at any 7-Eleven or Family Dollar nation-wide. Simply present your bill stub to the cashier and a request to make a payment to your utility account. 

Payment Drop Boxes 
We have Payment Drop Boxes at the following locations: 

Customer Service Center

101 N. Main Street

Location: in our drive-thru


6925 Mesa Ridge Parkway

Location: By Customer Service


6310 South Highway 85/87

Location: By Customer Service


Automated Check Handling (ACH)
An ACH allows customers to pay bills automatically from their bank account. 

  • Payments withdrawn from account on the due date of your bill.
  • Voided check from your account is necessary to set up the automatic withdrawal with the following form Authorization Agreement for Direct Payments ACH Debits.  Call (719) 322-2010 or come in to our walk-in cashier location for assistance.  

Returned checks are subject to electronic re-deposit without further notice. An additional $40 fee may be electronically debited, or by way of paper draft, from your checking account. 

Utilities Payment Assistance
Fountain Utilities offers utility bill payment assistance through its Lighten the Load Program. Lighten the Load is a voluntary contribution program which provides assistance to individuals and families with temporary, short-term payment of their utility bill. For more information, please visit our Lighten the Load page. 

Payment Arrangements 
Payment arrangements are offered for eligible customers who are unable to make their utility bill payment in full. For more information and eligibility, please contact our Customer Service Center at (719) 322-2010.

Budget Bill Plan
Fountain Utilities offers a Budget Bill Plan to residential customers, which provides convenient set monthly payments for utility services. For more information and eligibility, please contact our Customer Service Center at (719) 322-2010.